Months back we asked our neighbor, who owns a nursery, about a certain type of palm tree we really liked and were interested in. Well, upon asking him about it, he told us that he would give us one! And over the weekend he had his crew plant it for us in our yard! I just think that that was so nice of him & we are so very thankful!! I love the way it looks in our yard!! Moises and I have so many plans for our yard.. which is looking really 'dead' at the moment, hehe ;), so this is a BIG step in changing that. I have visions of flowers & different types of palm trees (I have to have at least 1 coconut palm!). Landscaping just makes such a difference!
So anyway here are some pics from Saturday :)

Aricin was eager to get started!

He wanted to do this all on his own! :) Nikos just supervised, hehe ;)

But soon it was time to let the men do it.. We played video games while they worked :)

(Nikos peeking from inside)

Buried treasure! This came from inside the deep hole they dug.

Here she comes :)

Just beautiful! It's still a work in progress.. I want to plant flowers all around it :)
On another note... I went to my OB today and I'm already 2 cm dilated so it looks like my baby might be coming very soon! I'm so excited!!! :)
I'm on my way over...... set up some lounge chairs under that beautiful palm.... I'll whip up some mango smoothies (right?) And we will relax and basque in the sun! Sound good?
:O) Does to me!
lol, Sounds fabulous!!!
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