And well, oh goodness, where do I start?? This entire trip was amazing.. from beginning to end. We tasted exquisite foods, (attempted) to speak a new language.. and at times had to result to body & sign language, walk and walked until our foot bones hurt, shopped like we've never shopped before, stayed up terribly late, laughed so hard our sides ached the next day, and we met such lovely people who have now become our friends. I loved everything about our trip to France. I loved the culture, the foods, the smell of the French countryside and the city, the sounds, the people.. It was all so wonderful, I almost cried when it was time to leave. It was just one of those experiences in life that stay with you always. And alas, I now share with you my favorite photos of our trip...

this was a cathedral in Tours, before we left for Paris

and what did we go see first after arriving in Paris? why, the Eiffel Tower of course :)

i love how everyone is just laying on the grass, relaxing.. some were reading, some sleeping, others playing instruments, some playing board games.. etc

their Starbucks pastries were much, much better I must say!

here I am waiting for the shoppes to open.. they didn't open til 10 a.m., some didn't open until 11 :)

I love bikes.

He was walking around balancing a can on his head :)

Moises and I on top of Tour Montparnasse

there I am with my shopping bags :)

the Eiffel Tour in the distance

trying on hats! :)

this pigeon was so big we just had to take a picture of it, but you can't tell how big he is since he's not next to anything to compare him to :/

a view from the Eiffel Tower

i wish I could tell you what every historical monument is, but I'm no history buff :(

inside the elevator, going back down

the wheels that turned the elevator (we got stuck twice :) )

this is the field that's directly in front of the Eiffel Tower

one of many people trying to sell you souvenirs at the Eiffel Tower. They display all their products for sale on a sheet in front of them, on the floor.

a guy playing the violin on the metro

me, trying to be a famous French model, haha ;)

this was cute, Moises was walking and a flower landed in between his sunglasses and his face.. you see it?

in front of Notre Dame

inside of Notre Dame.. it was very crowded

check out this cute little boy modeling at the entrance of the store where his momma was shopping at :)

We were serenaded on the metro :)

and the next day too! :)

I loved riding the metro.

we look a little scary, hehe, I had no idea Moises had taken this picture.

on our way to see Michael Bublé in concert

while waiting for the concert to begin, we were entertained by some cool skate board, roller blade & bike tricks.

Soooo, Michael Bublé came out personally after the opening act (by Naturally 7, which were so talented & performed flawlessly), to say that he had to cancel because his drummer was rushed to the hospital with heart problems :( And so this is a shot of everyone exiting the building and calling friends & family to say that the show had been cancelled ;)

the day was still young, so we went sightseeing some more. I mean, it didn't get dark until after 11 p.m.!!
This is the Arc de Triumph

yes, here I am shopping some more ;)

umm, does this say 'soup of poison'??

she was grabbing two of those for us! it was delicious :)

why am I posting hares being butchered? I have no idea.

a pigeon came to visit us while eating at a restaurant :)

workers on strike.. they weren't happy about something, so they decided to take a nap :)

me on a tour bus

punch buggy, can't punch back! :)

a really bad picture of us, but oh well ;)

solid gold!

there are so many details, so much history, everywhere you look.. it's amazing.

the Louvre

again, I love how people relax & take time to enjoy life... hmmm, does that make me sound lazy? hehe ;)

another one of the Notre Dame

i loved all the streets.. they just took me back in time.

this was such a beautiful monument.. it had carvings like this from top to bottom.

more shopping!

all gold posts.

George Washington.

Paris, the city of lights... I will miss you.
You are so very talented Mrs Morales!! I love your Paris pictures. I love the one with the little dude posing at the store ;)
And I can't believe we made it on your title page!! YAY!! such a great picture!
Aww thank you Léa!! :)
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