I just love pre-ceremony photos! They are so lovely.. The bride preparing for the moments to follow that will change her life.. The mother fluffing her daughter's dress, admiring her, thinking how beautiful her daughter is in that very moment.. the bridesmaids all giggly.. the gorgeous flowers.. then suddenly it's time to get ready to go to the ceremony and everyone is nervous, excited, and oh so happy!
This is from Lorena & Natalio's wedding in Coral Gables! *a little peak* Enjoy!
I just LOVED her shoes!! :)
Awwww, check out her dad's reaction when he first saw his beautiful daughter! I am so glad I was by the door & just as I saw him walk in, I started snapping away! :)
He couldn't have been happier!
Check out the gorgeous bride!!
Such lovely colors! Perfect for a summer wedding :)
On the move!
And here she is, leaving to get on the limo to go to the church... on time! :) *wink*
..of Miami. It was a very wet day. Yesterday I went to introduce Desi to his Great-Grandfather who lives in Miami (which was so touching, by the way, to watch 4 generations in one room... Makes you think of how quickly life passes you by).
Anyone that knows me personally knows that I love a good thunderstorm! Perfect weather for some coffee and a good movie or book... hmmm.. except when the power goes out.. yeah, then it's just fun to look out the window and see all the chaos. :) South Florida sure has been delivering some crazy storms lately! Every day we get thunderstorms and I enjoy photographing them. Yesterday I went out and took this photo of the 'in between' action that was going on; part blue skies and part storm. (You can see some rain showers on the horizon.) Enjoy! and stay dry! :)
Hi everyone, I just wanted to share this one photo from yesterday's wedding that I snapped really quick while the bride was in the elevator & on her way to the church! I loved the endless reflections. (this was taken at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables- Gorgeous architecture!)
Michelle Morales Photography is based in South Florida but is available for travel. (Past and future work includes but not limited to New York, France, Dominican Republic..). For information on rates, please visit www.michellemoralesphotography.com or email Michelle at: michelle@moralesphotography.com