Sunday, August 24, 2008

Neglect :(

Oh wow I can't believe it's been a whole month since I have blogged! But I'm sure many of you know how it is... you just get so busy sometimes and then at other times you're too tired or you'd much rather be doing something else, hehe :) Well, a lot has happened in a month. I am currently carrying my 3rd child (woohoo!!) so lots of nausea & extreme hunger going on here (if that makes any sense! lol), ummm, we bought a go-kart and have just been having a blast taking the boys mudding and riding around the neighborhood, we just got over tropical storm Fay which left Lots & Lots of rain!, and then of course busy taking pics (which I must post soon). And that's it :) I just wanted to write and let you all know I'm alive and well, lol ;) I will go now because I am very very hungry- gotta go feed the bun in the oven!

-Michelle :)


Jeanette Krzyzek said...

HA! I knew you'd post sooner or later! LOL Glad to know all is well. Especially after the storms you've been having!

Keep us posted on the bebe! I'm so excited for you!

I'll be back soon to check for updates! ;o)

All my best!

Becky said...

Wow, I've been missing you lady! Congratulations on the baby! Welcome back:):)

Michelle Morales Photography said...

Aww thank you ladies for the welcome back!! :)