Monday, February 25, 2008

I love you Pretty!!

My hunny and I celebrated 7 wonderful years of marriage yesterday! He took me out for ice cream at Coldstone, dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (our favorite place!), a movie (we watched "Jumper", it was really good!), and then coffee (Starbucks baby!!) In that order, lol. We had a fabulous time! Our moments alone are rare so I cherish them sooo much. :)
Ahhh, isn't love a wonderful thing? :)

And in case you're wondering why we call each other "pretty"... ummm, well, we just do! A few months after dating we started calling each other that and here we are 7 years later, still each others' "pretty". :)


Melissa Prendergast said...


Michelle Morales Photography said...

Thank you Melissa! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Michelle on 7 beautiful years!! True love is hard to come by these days. :)

Michelle Morales Photography said...

Thank you Amy! Yes it is, I'm holding on to mine :)