A few days ago a friend of Cheo's invited us to ride on "The Dragon". We were riding in the car when Cheo called up his friend to say Hello, they got to talking & I overheard him say, "The Dragon? Sure! Do we have to get dressed up?" So naturally I thought, "Oh, he's inviting us to a Chinese restaurant!" haha :) Well, turns out I was waaay off, lol! :) And next thing I know we're driving to the airport, going through all sorts of security clearances until we're driving just a few feet away from 747's!

So here he is, the machine of the hour.. Meet "The Dragon" :)
And just to be more clear, we were at the fire station that's is on airport grounds, next to the airport runways. These are the ones to deal with airport/ airplane fires & emergencies.

A very big piece of machine for my little Nikos :)
Ever wonder how they put a fire out on a plane? Well, actually, who wonders about that?? lol!

The sharp spear (can't remember what it's called) penetrates the side of the plane like it's nothing, and squirts water at incredible force!

You can see the terminals in the background.

Look at how powerful the pressure is!

Nikos got to control the spear.

Nikos' face when I told him we had to go.

A better view of The Dragon. You can see the spear in the front.